Our Mission
Amazing Love School opened with only 15 pupils but today we have 181 pupils and more than 20% of them are studying either free of charge or contribute very little to school fees as they come from very poor families or no families at all. I am a Rotarian who believes in service above self and with a strong conviction of helping the needy specifically vulnerable and marginalized people, the orphans and the poor communities and believe that relevant and quality education is the best tool to us to break the vicious cycle of poverty.
About Us
A Nursery , primary and vocational school for impoverished children in Uganda.
Amazing Love Primary school was founded by James Saturday, a laboratory technician at Kabale Regional Hospital in Uganda, who saw a need to educate children in his village. Due to the AIDS epidemic which hit Uganda severely, many of these children became orphans. Living in impoverished conditions many families could not afford the school fees required for admission to primary school and often these children roamed the streets becoming "street kids" instead. James saved his salary of the equivalent of 50 cents USD per hour for 2 years in order to buy land, build housing and school facilities to educate as many children as possible. Currently 181 children are enrolled from preschool to 7th grade. These children are fed 3 meals a day and provided school uniforms, school supplies, books, and housing if needed so that they have no distractions or worries and can simply learn. No child is turned away. James has been funding the school simply through his earnings which his family of four young children and his wife have helped with. The motto of Amazing Love school is "God is able" which James and his supporters believe whole-heartedly. Ben and Ankita, two medical doctors, met James while working at Kabale Regional Hospital. They developed a lasting friendship also share in his dream of educating children as they are the future of Uganda and essential in moving the country forward.
As physicians and friends of the school Ben and Ankita met several children who they noticed were not developing as quickly as their counterparts mostly due to congenital infections which has gone untreated due to lack of medical care. By simply donating the amount of money they would spend on groceries in the US they were able to buy lumber and tools and open a carpentry department. Providing vocational skills, especially to children and teenagers with special needs, allows them to be able to obtain jobs in the community, bringing in an income to live from, and becoming a valuable member of society.
Future Goals of the School: Eventually an expansion of the Vocational Department to include sowing machines and seamstress/tailoring lessons, expansion of housing, classrooms and toilet facilities.
Volunteer teachers are needed!!!!!!
Amazing Love School Anthem
Oh! God bless , Amazing Love School nurturing young stars on a strong foundation ; learning to know and to love to achieve, life skills and knowledge through Amazing Love School. Discipline and obedience God fearing in prayer may the needy children indeed stay , quality education for the future nation forever move forward for development Oh! God bless Amazing Love School in giving hope of life by the mercy of God so let us rejoice for the choice by God smiling in peace at Amazing Love School.
